
Our products are offered on a royalty-free basis, allowing you to use them in both personal and commercial projects. When you make a purchase, you’re granted a non-exclusive, global license to utilize the product. It’s important to review the rest of this license to fully grasp the terms that apply to your usage.


You are authorized to incorporate the product into any personal or commercial project. This includes creating items for yourself or your clients, with no limitations on the frequency of use. You may also use our product in items or website templates that are sold either through a marketplace or directly on your own site, and attribution is not required (though appreciated if given). However, you are prohibited from reselling or redistributing the product in its original form, such as PSD files.
Feel free to modify, adapt, or combine the product with other works to create derivative projects for both personal and commercial purposes. These derivative works must adhere to the terms outlined in this license. You’re allowed to take these actions as long as your final product aligns with the restrictions set out in the "What You Can’t Do" section.

Not allowed

You are not permitted to redistribute our products as stock, include them in tools or templates, or provide the source files to others. Leasing, licensing, or sublicensing the product is also not allowed, whether it’s on its own or bundled with other items, even if you’ve altered it.
Moreover, you cannot redistribute or make available our products in their original form or with only minor changes. This restriction applies even if the redistribution is offered for free.
If you have any uncertainties about what is permitted under our licenses or if you require a different type of license, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Mock-U team for further assistance.